
and seal

Grind and
seal Adelaide

We are a trusted name for premium concrete grind and seal Adelaide residents and businesses love to go with. Our comprehensive concrete grinding services let you achieve your desired result, whether it’s aesthetical or functional. From grind and seal where your old concrete floor is completely cleaned restored, to epoxy removal where grinding the revealed epoxy prepares the concrete floor for a new epoxy coating or concrete sealant, to trip hazard removal where we level out the concrete on your footpath, driveway, or work or playgrounds to avoid accidents.

Whatever the state of your concrete floor is in right now, our concrete grinding experts will evaluate it and recommend the right concrete grinding service you need.

Group 321
Group 313

and seal

Adelaide MPC provides protection to your concrete floors with its concrete sealing services. Concrete serves as a shield between itself and external factors like dirt, grass, snow, grease, and other foreign materials. If concrete is not sealed, it will retain water and corrode quickly.

Our professional concrete experts will apply high-quality sealers to concrete surfaces to prevent water penetration, surface damage, staining, and corrosion. Sealers block the concrete pores thereby lessening water absorption. It also functions as an impenetrable later that keep liquid materials from getting through.

Adelaide MPC concrete sealing services are tried and tested by hundreds of households and business establishments in South Australia. Just goes to show the confidence they have in us to deliver the highest quality of service on time, every time!

Choose Us

At Adelaide MPC Pty Ltd, we specialise in mechanically polished concrete floors. With over 10 years of experience in the local construction industry and being born and raised in the country, we pride ourselves on our workmanship, reputation, and customer service.

We refurbish new or existing concrete floors to improve the aesthetics of your property, ultimately adding appeal and value to your asset. Whether it’s an existing or new concrete slab, we welcome the opportunity to work with you to tailor our service to suit your individual wants, needs, and lifestyle to ensure the finished product meets your expectations. So get in touch with our friendly team at Adelaide MPC today, we look forward to working with you every step of the way.

Group 379
0427 594 040